Campus Partners

Students in Dr. Kimberly McCray's Museum Education course created gallery teaching projects to facilitate during Sic 'Em Science Day at the Mayborn Museum Complex. Photo credit: Roger Woodruff

Students in Dr. Kimberly McCray's Museum Education course created gallery teaching projects to facilitate during Sic 'Em Science Day at the Mayborn Museum Complex. Photo credit: Roger Woodruff

Students in Dr. Kimberly McCray's Museum Education course created gallery teaching projects for Sic 'Em Science Day at the Mayborn Museum Complex. Photo credit: Roger Woodruff

Students in Dr. Kimberly McCray's Museum Education course created gallery teaching projects to facilitate during Sic 'Em Science Day at the Mayborn Museum Complex. Photo credit: Roger Woodruff

Students in Dr. Kimberly McCray's Museum Education course created gallery teaching projects to facilitate during Sic 'Em Science Day at the Mayborn Museum Complex. Photo credit: Roger Woodruff
Our students gain practical experience through assistantships at various museums and special collections libraries located on the Baylor campus.